Basic Job’s Daughters Update

Permission to reprint this material is granted to Masonic publications with credit to this site.

Update your readers about their local Bethel

How to use this template:

The Suggested Text below is a good starting point for a very basic article to update your members on the doings of a Job’s Daughters Bethel. If there have been any initiations, you will want to include those, as well as announcement of upcoming installations.

Your Bethel Guardian or the Mason who represents the Bethel can provide the following information:

  • Bethel number, location and regular meeting days
  • Dates and descriptions of any special meetings or events
  • The name of the Honored Queen or other officers
  • Information of interest to report to your membership

Suggested text:

Bethel #{NUMBER} held their regular meetings on the {DATE} and {DATE} of this past month, presided over by {HQ NAME}, Honored Queen. There was a fun event on {DATE}, and the girls got to invite several friends. The Bethel is holding a fundraiser on {DATE}. There will be {DESCRIBE EVENT}. Please attend, and tell your friends!

Bethel #{NUMBER} meets on the {DAY} and {DAY} of each month. Attendance by any Master masons or those with proper Masonic relationship is very much encouraged!

Important notes:

This template article should give a general idea of the types of information you might like to include in your newsletter. The Masonic Youth Orders operate very much like the adult organizations, with business meetings and fundraisers, installations and initiations. All of these will be of interest to your membership.

However, please remember that the members are minors. Please obtain permission of a parent or guardian before publishing identifying details or photographs. Use discretion when publishing details regarding the locations and specifics of upcoming events. When in doubt, contact your adult council members for guidance.

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